I have been told about a book that reveals the truth with title: Mental Bondage in the name of God. When I read the title I was amazed by it.
Mental Bondage have lots of meaning,.. It depends how we look at it, some people might find the title of it too revealing without even know the content of the book. Some people might find this book is so refreshing.Sometimes as a human we tend to have mental block, we either refused to know the truth or we are afraid of the truth.
For those who dare to know the truth checkout these blog and please read it as an open mind, I find it suitable for 2 kind of people for those who's looking for an answer or for those who believe what they been taught to belief:-
1 comment:
Peace be upon you,
Your journey in this life touches me. Be strong to continue with this life and put your trust in God the One who created you. The great prophet Ibrahim once said:-
"I only serve the Lord of the Universe. He's the One who created me and guides me. When I get sick He is the One who heals me. He's the One who puts me to death, then resurrects me. He is the One I hope will forgive my wrong doings on the day of judgement." (26: 77-83)
He prayed to God to give him the wisdom and asked God to include him with the righteous people on the day of resurrection.
I wish to thank you for reading my book and I hope you it gives you the strength to return to our Creator the way He created us the first time. Take care.
Aidid Safar
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